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We exist to provide scholarships for students from economically-disadvantaged communities while helping donors benefit from a dollar-for-dollar matching tax credit.

In the Classroom

The Opportunity Gap

Columbus Has A Problem

According to The Child Opportunity Index developed by The Kirwan Institute at The Ohio State University, many children throughout Columbus suffer from an opportunity deficit through no fault of their own. The index measures and maps the quality of resources and conditions that promote the healthy development of children. There are 29 indicators analyzed for nearly every neighborhood in the United States.

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The typical Black child in America lives in a neighborhood with an Opportunity Score of 23, while Hispanic children live in communities with a score of 37. The average white child lives in a neighborhood with an Opportunity Score of 73.


In Columbus, Ohio,  73% of African-American children live in an area of “Low” or “Very Low” opportunity compared with 29% of white children.


The Opportunity Index tells us that Columbus has the eighth largest gap of metropolitan cities in the U.S. regarding the difference between the highest and lowest opportunity neighborhoods.

COVID's Compounding Effect

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the opportunity gaps and deficits.


In an article about the impact of the pandemic entitled “COVID-19 and Student Learning in the United States: The Hurt Could Last a Lifetime,” the author states: “(Being a student of color living in poverty is) the equivalent of a permanent economic recession. Unfortunately, the past decade has seen little progress in narrowing these disparities. The average black or Hispanic student remains roughly two years behind the average white one, and low-income students continue to be underrepresented among top performers.” (Emma Dorn et al., COVID-19 And Student Learning In The United States: The Hurt Could Last A Lifetime, MCKINSEY & CO. (June 1, 2020) 


How You Can Help

The Columbus Opportunity Scholarship Fund exists to provide these opportunities for students in need and to put all-of-life success back in their reach.


As an Ohio taxpayer, you can make a gift of up to $750 that you receive a dollar-for-dollar matching tax credit for.

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